I have said before that this season in my life feels like I
am constantly depending on people. And that’s hard for me. Now I can’t even
appropriately thank the people who care for us. My inability to properly thank
people in a reasonable time frame, has caused me to better understand Christ’s
work on my behalf. My needy, desperate state as a busy mom of two little babies
has helped me see my needy, desperate state before the God of the universe.
Christ invaded my dead heart and made me alive through his blood. Christ is
strong when I am weak. Christ is sufficient when I am failing. And every day is
another reminder that I can’t repay him either. There is no amount of goodness
that will be enough for what he did for me. There is no big enough “thank you”
for his sacrifice on my behalf.
So while etiquette and thankfulness rightly tell me that sending those thank you’s is the right thing to do, and it is (and I’m finally almost done!). My feelings of inadequacy to ever say or do enough in return are here to stay. Not only do they remind me of God’s kindness to me through people, but more importantly they remind me of his kindness to me through our Savior. He has given the ultimate gift that can never be repaid.