
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer is for More Reading!

Today CBMW posted a suggested summer reading list on womanhood that I wrote for their blog. It is not exhaustive, but it is a start for women wanting to get their feet wet on understanding how God created them to be.

I figured I would get my personal reading list in order since I was in the "reading list" mood. I don't really know why, but summer always makes me feel more motivated. I really should make a reading list all of the time, but the one I have made for this summer will suffice for now!

Below are the 6 books on my list for the remainder of the summer (or as long as it takes me to finish them).

The Reason for God by Tim Keller
I have heard really good things about this book and have wanted to read it for a while now. Now is the time.

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
I always try and pick a novel/literature to read to give me some variety. I have wanted to read this one for a long time but didn't own it. I got it at a garage sale in Little Rock for .50 (I think), so it is definitely the cheapest book on this list.

The Courage to Be Protestant by David Wells
I read No Place for Truth a few summers ago and really enjoyed it. We have had this book for a while and I keep meaning to read it. Again, now is the time!

Jesus and the Feminists by Margaret Kostenberger
This is my "gender" reading for the summer. The fact that this book is written by an articulate, complementarian woman just gets me excited thinking about it. I am really excited to read it!

Trusting God by Jerry Bridges
This is my "counseling" reading for the summer. Everyone I know who has read it loves it and this is definitely an area of my life that I need more sanctification in.

Amazing Grace by Eric Metaxas
William Wilberforces life fascinates me. I think this book will challenge me in many ways and give me greater perspective into the life and ministry of this remarkable man. Plus I have to get it from the library and it's a good excuse to use my library card.

So what's on your list?


  1. You'll really enjoy Kostenberger's book! (I'm not just saying that because she was one of my professors at SEBTS.) It is really well researched and a fair critique.

  2. I read a few pages of it when it first came out, so I am looking forward to reading the whole thing!

    I am sure she was a wonderful prof! I heard her at ETS a couple of years ago and thought it was really good.
