
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Missions Wednesday: Libya

It’s hard to turn on the television anymore without seeing a plethora of news reports coming out of Libya. Libya is one country in a string of countries in the Middle East/North Africa that have recently faced great turmoil and unrest. For us here in “stable” America it might seem like one more news story that plays on repeat on the Today Show every morning. But for Libyans, it’s their life. Living under a dictatorship for years and the hope of freedom is of great concern to them. And as people created in the image of God, what happens to Libyans should matter to Christians.

Libya is located on the northern point of Africa, along the Mediterranean Sea. Like most North African nations, Libya is predominantly Muslim. Libya has long been in isolation, due to the dictatorial reign of Muammar Gaddafi. This has made the spread of the gospel difficult at times. According to Operation World, there has been a growing interest about Christ among Libyan people. But the sad reality is there are not enough Bibles to go around. The need is great.

Ways to pray:
  1. Pray that God’s word would thrive in this nation and that he would make a way to provide Bibles to the Libyan people.
  2. Pray that the unrest in Libya would lead to Libyans ultimately resting in Christ. After turmoil like this people will be looking for answers and hope. Pray that Christ would be exalted and Libyans would turn from their sins and turn to faith in Jesus.
  3. Pray that no more people would die in the fighting currently happening in Libya and that rest would come soon. Pray that through this Jesus Christ would be made much of.
  4. Pray for Christians in Libya that they would be bold in proclaiming Christ and would be kept safe as they live for their Savior.

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