
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Missions Wednesday: Bolivia

Bolivia is a South American country with over 10 million people. They are landlocked in between Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile. While over 90% of the country is considered Christian, only 16% is evangelical. The instability of the Bolivian government has led them to be one of the poorest countries in the Americas. In addition, Bolivia grows 50% of the world's cocaine, only increasing the instability of the country. The children of Bolivia face the brunt of these problems. The majority of children live in poverty and many are addicted to drugs. All of these circumstances present an opportunity for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed among the people of Bolivia.

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for the evangelical Christians in Bolivia. Pray that they would teach Christ to the Bolivian people and would not shrink back from ministering to them in the name of Jesus.

  • Pray for the government officials. Pray that they would fight the temptation to abuse the natural resources for illegal activity, such as growing cocaine.

  • Pray for the children of Bolivia. Half of the population is comprised of children. Pray that God would use the heartache of extreme poverty to soften their hearts to riches of grace available to them in Christ Jesus.

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