Here is an excerpt:
"This passage reveals great truths about God’s sovereignty over life in its earliest stages. God is the author of all life. How glorious that a holy God would be so intimately involved in our lives! But what if you don’t feel like you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”? What if your body is ravaged by cancer, plagued by infertility or frequent pregnancy loss, or succumbing to an incurable illness? What if your child’s development is slowed or disabled by autism or Down’s syndrome? While we cling to the fact that God is the creator of life, not every life comes out physically perfect. Can we trust that Psalm 139 includes these people, too?"
Reconciling God's sovereignty over my creation with my physical limitations with conception has been a wrestling match this past year. But God has not left me to myself. He has brought me to his word and made me think hard about who he is, and who I am in light of his greatness. This article is what has been born out of that, but adapted for a more broad application of physical brokenness. There is a future for all of us broken people (and all of us are broken in some way). The future in this life might not look like we want it to, but the future in the next will be far more glorious and perfect than we could ever imagine. That is what we hope for as we walk walk through this life.